Ten little Candidates


Ten little Candidates going out to dine
One ate his words and choked then there was nine
Nine little Candidates talking of the State
One talked his breath away then there was eight

One little two little three little four little
five little Candidates‘ joys
Six little seven little eight little nine little
ten little Candidates‘ joys

Eight little Candidates tried to stand for Devon
One stood until he dropped then there was seven
Seven little Candidates called out „Brayvo HICKS!“
One gave up the contest then there was six

Six little Candidates thought they couldn’t thrive
One of them didn t then there was five
Five little Candidates Tory to the core
One changed his principles then there was four

Four little Candidates never could agree
One cut their company then there was three
Three little Candidates bills came overdue
One was put in Whitecross Street then there was two

Two little Candidates went to see the dun
One got arrested too then there was one
One little Candidate standing all alone
Got blown up by his party and then there was none

14. November 1868 in:
in „Punch OR The London Charivari“, S 208

Geschichte dieses Liedes:

Liederzeit: (1868)

Zur Geschichte dieses Liedes:

Parodien, Versionen und Variationen: Das Lied kann seine kolonialistische und rassistische Herkunft schwer verleugnen: Geht zurück auf das 1868 in den USA entstandene „Ten little Indians“ und das ein Jahr später verfasste „Ten little Niggers“ mit eindeutig rassistischem Hintergrund. Von weißen Musikgruppen („Minstrel“) verbreitet, die sich die Gesichter schwarz färbten („Blackfacing“) und die ... weiter lesen

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